The Conference Program is now available online.

NO-SHOW papers will not be sent to IEEE. Make sure to present your paper.


  The ICIIBMS 2024 will be held Virtually, November 21-24, 2024, Tokyo-Okinawa, Japan

     The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences

Prepare full papers or short papers according to the following guidelines:

 Future work (if any):

   • What are you plans for future work?

   •  Any future work should be related to the present work.

   • What motivated you to pursue this work?

   • Describe any difficulties that were encountered.



• State concisely what you did and the method you used for solving the problem.

• Concisely describe the method of research or study applied to the problem.


   • What are the implications of your conclusion?

   •  State the relevance or significance of the results related to the problem.


   • What results did you get?

   •  State your findings and relate it to the problem.

   •  Summarize the important points of your results.

   Statement of the Problem:

    • Why was the research needed?

     • What was the context of the work?

     • Provide background for the work.

Instructions for paper preparation.