ICIIBMS 2024 Submission is now closed. The Conference Program will be available online on October 21.2024

All submitted papers are being processed and will be sent to IEEE shortly. Make sure to sign the eCP.


  The ICIIBMS 2024 will be held Virtually, November 21-24, 2024, Tokyo-Okinawa, Japan

     The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences

Prepare full papers or short papers according to the following guidelines:

 Future work (if any):

   • What are you plans for future work?

   •  Any future work should be related to the present work.

   • What motivated you to pursue this work?

   • Describe any difficulties that were encountered.



• State concisely what you did and the method you used for solving the problem.

• Concisely describe the method of research or study applied to the problem.


   • What are the implications of your conclusion?

   •  State the relevance or significance of the results related to the problem.


   • What results did you get?

   •  State your findings and relate it to the problem.

   •  Summarize the important points of your results.

   Statement of the Problem:

    • Why was the research needed?

     • What was the context of the work?

     • Provide background for the work.

Instructions for paper preparation.