The ICIIBMS 2025 will be held at OIST University, December 2-5, 2025, Okinawa, Japan
Dr. Carmen C. Y. Poon
Division of Biomedical Engineering Research
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine.
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Therapeutic endoscopy is a cornerstone to screen and prevent colorectal cancers. Nevertheless, polyps can be missed or misdiagnosed during colonoscopy. By using large non-medical and endoscopic databases, we have designed a deep-learning-based model, named “Artificial Endoscopist (a.k.a. AI-doscopist)”, to recognise colonic neoplasia during colonoscopy. AI-doscopist was trained and tested with over millions of images, labelled frame-by-frame with the presence, location, and type of colorectal polyps. Our initial study suggested that AI-doscpist can achieve similar detection rates as the endoscopists. Moreover, if AI-doscopist were to be used in real-time, it can potentially assist endoscopists in detecting one more patient with polyp in every 20-33 colonoscopies.
Dr. Carmen C. Y. Poon
AI-doscopist: A Deep Learning-based Model for Real-time
Diagnosis of Cancer during Therapeutic Endoscopy.
Distinguished Lecturer
Dr. Carmen Biography
Dr. Carmen Poon received the B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science, M.A.Sc. in Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Toronto. She completed her Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU), and later joined the Department of Surgery of CU Medicine as a faculty member in 2012. Her main research interests include wearable sensing and endoscopic informatics that have potential to change surgical practices. Several pieces of her works in these areas have been rated Highly Cited Papers by ISI Web of Science (2015-2019) and collectively, her works have been cited 2500 times in Scopus (as of Mar. 2019).
Carmen is serving as Conference Chair of the 16 th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, which will be held in Chicago, USA, 2019. She has served as Chair of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Technical Committee on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems (2016-2017), EMBS Administrative Committee member (2014-2016), and Managing Editor for IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS (2009-2016). She now serves on the Editorial Boards for several international peer-reviewed journals published by IEEE, IOP, Elsevier and ACM.
Carmen is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Distinguished Lecturer of EMBS. She received the IFMBE/IAMBE Early Career Award awarded by International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering / The International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering in 2015, and the IEEE-EMBS Academic Early Career Achievement Award “for contributions to wearable sensing and endoscopic surgery” in 2018."