ICIIBMS 2023 papers have been indexed by IEEE, EI and Scopus. Check Past Conferences. Selected papers also have been published and posted to Open Access Database for worlwide distribution.

ICIIBMS 2024 papers will also be indexed by IEEE, EI and Scopus. Submission opens April 1, 2024. Join us


  The ICIIBMS 2024 will be held Virtually, November 21-24, 2024, Tokyo-Okinawa, Japan

     The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences

Short paper length: Maximum 2 pages

To include the following content

  •  Clear research goals
  •  Approach used to solve the problem
  •  A summary of the important results
  • ​ A discussion of the significance of the results related to background of the original problem

Please choose your presentation type:  Short paper or Full paper

Both short and full papers will be included in IEEE Xplore, which is automatically index by Scopus and Engineering Village

Full paper length: Minimum 4 pages

To include the following content

  •  Problem Statement: Include the importance of the research
  •  Approach :  State concisely what you did and the method you used to solve the problem
  •  Results: State what you found and relate it to the problem
  •  Conclusion: What are the implications of the conclusion?
  •  Future work (optional): Motivation for pursuing the work and any difficulties  encountered